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Fact #139892


Short story:

Norwegian pop-punk quartet Slutface release a new EP, Sponge State, on Propellor Recordings.

Full article:

Hayley Shea (vocalist, Slotface) : ‘Sponge State’ is our term for the feeling that something needs to change. The song is a reaction to the apathy and lack of action that is symptomatic of our generation. It is about the fact that making the world a better place isn’t about sharing a post or tweeting. Social media is a powerful tool for social change, but real change comes about by doing things and being an active participant.

Specifically, it is meant as an encouragement to our peers. Lots of them say that they wish they could get more engaged, or protest, or that they wish things were more like they were in the 60s and 70s, and I thought a lot of those same things when I was younger. But there are real causes to get engaged in, in the real world, and it is our job, as the generation coming of age, to change things.
(Source : press release, April 2016)