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Fact #133237


Short story:

Aspiring young guitarist Jimmy Hendrix [Jimi Hendrix] writes a letter home from New York City, USA.

Full article:

Jimmy Hendrix : I still have my guitar and amp and as long as I have that, no fool can keep me from living. There's a few record companies I visited that I probably can record for. I think I'll start working toward that line because actually when you're playing behind other people you're still not making a big name for yourself as you would if you were working for yourself. But I went on the road with other people to get exposed to the public and see how business is taken care of… Nowadays people don't want you to sing good. They want you to sing sloppy and have a good beat to your songs. That's what angle I'm going to shoot for. That's where the money is… I just want you to know I'm still here, trying to make it. Although I don't eat every day, everything's going all right for me.

Albert Allen (friend) : He was very self-conscious about himself … about the things he wore, because he was kind of different, you know, kind of freaky, especially in comparison to a lot of brothers at that time. He was very sensitive to the places that he liked to be in…. he always stood out, he was always a stand-out person. We used to call him the Wicked Witch from the East, because of the hat he used to wear.