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Fact #132816


Short story:

When The Beach Boys play at Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston, Texas, USA, Glen Campbell stands in for group leader Brian Wilson, who suffered a nervous breakdown the day before.

Full article:

Glen Campbell : I usually played rhythm on their sessions … When it came to being one of The Beach Boys, they called me. They said, 'We've got a gig in Dallas, day after tomorrow. You want to play with us?'

'You mean open the show for you?' I asked.

'No, Brian's sick and can't make it. We need somebody to play bass and sing the high parts.'

'Yeah, sure.' I didn't know all the lyrics. It was fun – an experience. I stayed with them six months after that.

Carl was mostly business, Dennis was so easy to get along with, all he did was play his drums and sing his parts on Surfer Girl. Al Jardine was the same way. Mike Love being... not playing an instrument... If arguments started, it would come from Carl and Mike, and I don't know why, but there was always some kind of little tension goin' on in the band. And you never really knew where it came from. I didn't care, man, I was makin' more money than I'd made in my life doin' singing, but the hard part was playing that dad gum bass, man.

I hated to see what Brian did to his life. It was tragic. You just keep doing that stuff long enough and it will definitely destroy your body and your system. I'd talk to Brian but it seemed like after he'd come back from the drug scene he'd lost a couple of steps. But I tell ya, when I took his place on the road and he was doing the Pet Sounds album, it was phenomenal. The thing he did! That whole album is phenomenal! Brian let me sing along with him. It was just a lot of fun doing that stuff. I knew I could sing, I heard what was around me but I didn't particularly like the sound of my voice that much.
(Source : not known)