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Fact #132191


Short story:

Bass-player Harvey Brooks is rung up by Al Kooper and invited to take part in the recording of the LP Highway 61 Revisited by Bob Dylan at Columbia Studio A, 777 Seventh Avenue, New York City, USA. One day later, Brooks begins work with Dylan and Kooper.

Full article:

Harvey Brooks (bassist) : It was July 28, 1965. I was playing a gig at the Sniffin Court Inn on East 36th Street in Manhattan. During a break, I went next door to eat at the Burger Heaven, when I got a phone call from Al Kooper. I’m playing on this album with Bob Dylan and they need a bass player – are you doing anything?
(Source : The Times Of Israel, July 28, 2015 at http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/highway-61-revisited-50-years-later/)