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Fact #125404


Short story:

Saint Etienne release a new LP, Sound Of Water, on Heavenly Records in the UK.

Full article:

Where would we be without Sarah, Bob and Pete? Well, our diet of tasty pop electronica would be a lot poorer for starters. This is something, thank god, that the Americans have never really got the hang of. We've got Human League, OMD, Dubstar, Stereolab and, cream of the crop for the last ten years, this lot. They've got, er, nobody. Who but St E could write a song called 'Heart Failed (In The Back Of A Taxi)' and make you want to sing along? And who but St E, on a gorgeously lilting track like 'Sycamore', can sound simultaneously so futuristic and yet so shamelessly nostalgic? Don't even bother trying to answer these questions. Just buy the CD and immerse yourself in the shimmering beauty of 'Just A Little Overcome'. Then write and thank me.
Johnny Black