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Fact #124140


Short story:

The Four Pennies play at The Dungeon, Nottingham, UK.

Full article:

Barry Cooper : My first soul club I went to was The Dungeon in Nottingham in 1966, I know that, with time, we look back and think our generation had better clubs/music etc, but the Dungeon (IMO) had it all - two floors playing soul music that you would not find anywhere else, ground-breaking music for that period. All nighters, all dayers I went to most of them, and yes live artists that now, looking back, you took for granted. I was never into live acts, but certainly the likes of Junior Walker, Mary Wells, Stevie Wonder, Amen Corner (remember this was the begining of the mods).

One all nighter (The Drifters were on) after queing for an hour to get in, the place was raided by the police. Both ends of Stanford Street was blocked and everybody was searched, anyone found with anything on them or under 17 was taken to the police Station, we went down to the Beachcomber where there was another allnight (Lee Dorsey was on).
The Beachcomber in The Lace Market had 3 floors, another fantastic club playing new sounds to our ears,
(wish I could say the same at some clubs today)

From the mid sixties to early seventies it was a great place to in Nottingham with the Dungeon, Beachcomber and of course the Brit, all great soul clubs in their own right.
(Source : http://www.soul-source.co.uk/soulforum/topic/86047-nite-owl-leicesterdungeon-and-beachcomber-nottingham/)