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Fact #122809


Short story:

Thousand (the nom du musique of French songwriter Stephane Milochevitch) releases his debut LP, Thousand, on Talitres Records in the UK.

Full article:

Opening cut The Flying Pyramid starts out like a folksy-version of Lou Reed and then unexpectedly transforms into African-inflected pop a la Vampire Weekend. It’s followed by The Kill, a potent melange of chilled pop-rock and disco whoops, and the spooky To Dance In A Circle Of Fire, making it clear that Frenchman Stephane Milochevitch, aka Thousand, is an imaginative newcomer on the international landscape. Essentially, he’s a folksy singer-songwriter, but his easy familiarity with a range of eclectic instruments and exotic percussion set him apart from most musicians in that currently over-subscribed category. Ed Sheeran he ain’t, but that’s no bad thing.
(Source : Johnny Black, Hi Fi News June 2015)