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Fact #122801


Short story:

Crazy P release a new LP, Walk Dance Talk Sing, on !K7 Records in the UK.

Full article:

This is the seventh album from much-loved UK trio Crazy P in a fifteen year career that has seen them plough an extraordinarily individual furrow within the EDM scene, gleefully ignoring the homogenous cliches of the genre. If there’s another dance outfit like them, I’ve yet to encounter it. Seamlessly blending the hypnotic electronics of Kraftwerk and Moroder with more modern electro-pop a la St. Etienne, they create irresistibly chilled danceable music with pleasingly cerebral touches, sometimes minimalist ambient, sometimes deep soul. Crazy P are so distinctively different that if Vampire Weekend decided to make a disco album, it might sound like this.
Johnny Black
(Source : Hi Fi News, Aug 2015)