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Fact #122788


Short story:

Nai Harvest release a new LP, Hairball, on Topshelf Records in the UK.

Full article:

This Sheffield-based "fuzz punk" duo drags the spirit of mid-70s New York CBGB’s-style rock kicking and screaming into the present day with a reckless abandon that must be heard to be believed. Their simplistic, distorted, hi-speed guitar riffs are overlaid with electronic howls and effects pedals set to 11, making the two-piece sound like an axe army. What really makes it work, though, is that guitarist Ben Thompson and drummer Lew Currie write melodically-rich, emotionally resonant songs that soar up through the sonic murk to implant themselves in your head for the rest of the day after one listen. Why can’t all noisy head-banging rock music be like this?
(Source : Johnny Black review, Hi Fi News, June 2015)