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Fact #122165


Short story:

Moby releases a new album, Hotel, on V2 Records.

Full article:

Moby : I wrote between 200 and 300 songs over the past year and a half. A lot of them weren't very good, and a lot of the other ones wouldn't have fit on this record. So, I [decided] which were my favourites, which best expressed my emotional state and which worked together best, and those are the ones that are on there.

I decided to write a very simple song (Beautiful) about simple celebrities singing each other's praises.

As I was writing it, I was thinking of two not very bright celebrities singing it to each other. I had this vision of Nick and Jessica sitting around just in awe of how beautiful they are.

A lot of people feel inadequate when they compare their lives to the lives of celebrities, and I think that's really dangerous.

I know a lot of public figures, and a lot of them are not really happy. So, it's just a sad state of affairs when so many Americans obsess over the notions of wealth and fame [and] the people who are wealthy and famous are actually kind of miserable.
(Source : not known)