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Fact #120721


Short story:

The Patti Smith Group plays at CBGB's Club, New York City, USA, for the first time. Gig: Feb.

Full article:

Lenny Kaye (guitarist, Patti Smith Group) : When we brought our – it's not even the right word to say a "following", "the people who liked us" is more appropriate - we weren't even that developed as an act.

But we did have a reputation that kind of was more than a "CBGB's band," because we had certain things in the avant-garde art world and in the music world, and when we started playing there for those seven weeks it was more – the sense of expansion – the CBGB's thing was getting outside of CBGB's for the first time. It was so "inner," with the bands that played within it. We were able to bring a kind of an "outside" consciousness to it. And, again, as I vaguely remember it, really the only nights that were crowded were the weekend nights: the Thursdays and Sundays would be pretty much the local – the "hometown" people.

I think all the bands – Blondie, Talking Heads, the Dead Boys, and the Dead Boys came just a hair after, when "punk rock" was "PUNK ROCK!" But I mean ALL of them were part of a generation down there that helped move rock & roll that next step forward. And when I say that, I don't highlight it to give short shrift to the next 25 years of CBGB, because if anything, to me, CB's became more valuable AFTER its initial shockwave.
(Source : interview with Neil Levine, May 2006, Perfect Sound Forever)