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Fact #120493


Short story:

Saycet (real name Pierre Lefeuvre) releases his third LP, Mirage, on Meteores Music, in the UK, Europe. Several tracks feature vocalist Phoene Somsavath.

Full article:

Saycet is actually Parisian Pierre Lefeuvre, who holds down a day job as chief sound engineer at the Pompidou Centre. As his resume suggests, this is a luscious-sounding album, his third to date, and it combines elements as diverse as (you guessed it) Jean Michel Jarre-style danceable pop instros to more contemporary chilled ambient tunes with vocals by Phoene Somsavath which verge into territory formerly mapped out by Human League, Annie Lennox and other 80s electro-pop icons. What separates Saycet from most offerings in this genre is the warmth and humanity of the music, making it more accessible to fans of folktronica songstrel Ellie Goulding or even, at a stretch, dance-pop queen Lady Gaga.
(Source : review by Johnny Black in Hi Fi News, May 2015)