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Fact #120417


Short story:

Chicago bluesman Buddy Guy plays at The Marquee, London, UK, backed by Rod Stewart and the Soul Agents. In the audience are Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck.

Full article:

Eric Clapton : I heard he was coming to London, UK. And they had him play in The Marquee one night with a pickup band. And he did, this is long before Jimi Hendrix ever came to England, he played it behind his head, he threw it on the floor, he played it with his feet. I mean, he did everything. He did everything that Jimi later did. Except that Buddy was dressed in this like sharkskin suit, you know like a Rock and roll suit. He was immaculate.

So he not only played it, but he was the embodiment of what it was all about. You know, and he was a beautiful man too. He just had this gentlemanly manner. The whole thing was right you know. A quiet soft spoken guy who just was a maniac on stage. I mean that was it, it was love at first sight.
(Source : not known)