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Fact #118845


Short story:

Church-owned Great Western Forum, Los Angeles, California, USA, is reported to have cancelled an April 9 concert appearance by heavy metal band Lamb of God on the Subliminal Verses Tour package, because church leaders are offended by the band's previous name, Burn the Priest. Other acts performing on the same evening, including Slipknot, are not affected.

Full article:

Chris Adler (Lamb Of God) : If they had taken the time to look into what we do and who we are as a band, I don't think they would have made the same decision.

They have made it clear that they do not want us because of our name, our show and our crowd. The word from the powers that be is that Lamb of God is not the wholesome family fun that the good people of Los Angeles deserve.
(Source : not known)