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Fact #118466


Short story:

Purity Ring release their second LP, Another Eternity, on 4AD Records.

Full article:

Thanks to the internet, young musicians the world over have finally secured the same access to the public that once was only available to performers contracted to major record labels. Purity Ring, the Canadian synthpop duo of vocalist Megan James and producer Corin Roddick, are a great example. After self-releasing their debut single in 2011 they were soon snapped up by the indie 4AD Records and have built a huge international fanbase largely through a combination of word of mouth and live gigs. This, their second wonderful album, should delight anyone who enjoys Ellie Goulding’s more imaginative moments or even the less well-known electro-pop princess Lights.
(Review by Johnny Black, first appeared in Hi Fi News, 2015)