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Fact #118122


Short story:

Television and Blondie are playing the first of three nights together at CBGB’s, New York City, USA.

Full article:

Hilly Kristal (owner, CBGB’s) : Television was getting better all the time. They were working at it, and I liked that. They were nice, bright guys, they worked hard doing proper sound checks, they were always practicing, and the same with The Ramones.

Gary Valentine (bassist, Blondie) : Outside of CBGB’s was a great scene. You could look at the lines outside, and there’s be Johnny Thunders, Richard Hell, members of Talking Heads. All the members of future bands were the audience.

Being in a rough part of town meant there could be violence outside – I once had a knife held at my throat by Bowery bums – but inside was never violent.
(Source : not known)