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Fact #117690


Short story:

Mike Oldfield’s third album, Ommadawn, enters the UK album chart.

Full article:

Mike Oldfield : When it came to Ommadawn I got my fire back and I worked very hard on it, and then came this disaster. There was a bad batch of tape which meant that as the tape went round on the reels, the oxide fell off and the sound quality degraded. So I copied it, but it was still a bad batch of tape and I was thinking, "Oh my God, six months' work is being destroyed." The only thing I could do was do the whole thing again on a batch of really good tape.

But having said that, I'd practised it and I knew what to do, so I managed to do that first part in two or three weeks and, as it turned out, it was much better. It was critically well received and people still talk about it.

I was working with this singer, Clodagh, and I said, "Look, I've got this song here, can you stick some Celtic lyrics on it?" She made up something stupid in Gaelic - I think it was "Daddy's in the bed, the cat's drinking milk, and I'm an idiot and I'm laughing." Ommadawn means idiot in Gaelic - it's an insult, of course.