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Fact #117419


Short story:

The Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) play the first of eight (non-consecutive) nights at The Empire Pool, Wembley, London, UK.

Full article:

Barry Dickins (concert promoter, ITB) : ITB had just started, and the ELO shows made us solvent almost overnight.

Playing Wembley Arena in the ’70s was the equivalent of playing the Stadium in more recent years. In that context ELO did eight nights, which was amazing, but it was horrendous rigging the set with the spaceship.
(Source : interview in Audience magazine, January 2003)

Barry Dickins (concert promoter, ITB) : It was such an amazing sight to see. About 75% of the audience stayed on after the band had left the stage just so they could sit and watch the space ship shutting down.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, February 2008)