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Fact #117007


Short story:

Lou Reed returns to New York City, USA, having completed the recording of his solo debut album in London, UK.

Full article:

Glenn O’Brien (writer-acquaintance of Lou Reed) : He had the most horrible apartment with shag carpeting going up the walls and really bad furniture. And Lou was boozing really heavy. He was a little bit more together, he didn’t seem so pathetic, but he must have been doing a lot of booze and pills. He was the first person I ever saw who was really shaky like that, having double Bloody Marys at noon. The first time I met (Lou’s wife) Bettye she had a black eye. She was kind of cute, but I remember her always having a black eye.

Ed McCormack (friend) : His life with Bettye and his apartment seemed to provide a kind of domestic security that Lou needed to sustain him in his transition from cult-group figure to solo artist.