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Fact #113852


Short story:

On his Out There tour, Paul McCartney plays at Washington-Grizzly Stadium, Missoula, Montana, USA.

Full article:

Brad Murphy (executive director of The Adams Center, Missoula) : This is a huge deal for us – an international show. Paul McCartney wanted to play Missoula because of the reputation and the good word put in by Mick Jagger. I think that’s a big part of it. If you look at the tour, we’re the smallest population demographic on the list. Most of these stadium shows are 70,000-plus. For us to get Paul McCartney to Washington-Grizzly Stadium is a big deal. We have to give him a good deal to come here. They have to be able to make money. We put a financial package together that attracted Paul, and I think the scenic beauty of Montana helped more than anything else. In our industry, routing, revenue and relationships are huge. You have to have all three in place to secure shows like this. If we can show we can do this, people will come back. It’s about that reputation and building that relationship.
(Source : not known)