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Fact #113811


Short story:

The Doors release their third album, Waiting For The Sun, on Elektra Records in the USA.

Full article:

Robby Krieger (guitarist, The Doors) : The pressure came on the third album. We ran out of stuff and Jim was pretty fucked up on liquor by then, so it was hard to write with him and that’s when I started writing more of my own songs. It was also difficult to write while we were touring, so we started writing a lot more in the studio.

That’s when the liquor really started being a problem. Before that, everything was more or less fine. LSD was no problem because it was a creative thing. There’s nothing good about liquor - it just fucks you up - though at first it relaxes you, which is what you probably need after taking eight-zillion acid trips.

By that time, Jim was being taken advantage of by various hangers-on. He would bring them to the studio and Rothchild would go crazy - all these drunken assholes would be hanging around, fucking in the echo chamber and pissing in the closets. It was a mess.

Jim would drink with anybody because we wouldn’t drink with him. He would take on all these assholes, who used him: “Hey, we’re hanging with Jimbo.” And they wouldn’t care how fucked up he got—they’d leave him on somebody’s doorstep in his own puke.

I never drank with him because I didn’t like to drink to excess and he loved to go until he couldn’t see. I knew what was coming and hated to see it, so I would usually be gone by that point. John and Ray felt the same way.

The romance was definitely gone. Once in a while he would talk me into taking acid — just like you saw in the movie — but not often.

(Source : interview with Alan Paul, Guitar World, 2014)