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Fact #112724


Short story:

Country-folk duo The Civil Wars (Joy Williams and John Paul White) announce officially that they are splitting up. The announcement is hardly a surprise as, two years earlier, they had quit a world tour because of irreconcilable differences.

Full article:

Joy Williams (statement) : I am saddened and disappointed by the ending of this duo, to say the very least. JP is a tremendous musician, and I will always be grateful for the music we were able to create together.

Looking ahead, I’m excited to share the music that I am writing and recording in the midst of this difficult transition. I’ve loved being back in the studio, and have missed performing live. I look forward to seeing you soon.

John Paul White (statement) : I would like to express sincere thanks to all who were a part of the arc of The Civil Wars - from the beginning, to the end, and all points in between. My deep appreciation goes out to all who supported, disseminated, and enjoyed the music. Whatever shape or form the next chapter takes, thanks for being a large part of this one.