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Fact #112419


Short story:

The Flies release their second album, Pleasure Yourself on Library Music Recordings in the UK.

Full article:

Search for The Flies online and you'll get loads about an obscure 60s band, and more about American post-grunge outfit The Flys, but these Flies are a new combo fronted by Sean Cook, formerly of Spiritualized, and this is their superb second album. The first one came out back in 2007 and blew the critics away, since when they've been working on this follow-up. Quite why it has taken seven years I don't know, but it's a wonderfully atmospheric, not to say creepy, offering. Tracks often start out like MOR pop gems, but invariably descend into dark labyrinthine caverns of the soul, like some unholy collaboration between Burt Bacharach and David Lynch. Fabulous.
(Johnny Black, Hi Fi New, 2014)