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Fact #111761


Short story:

Cream play at The Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Full article:

Eric Clapton : I remember one show at the Philadelphia Spectrum when we were at the end of a six-month whistle-stop tour and I was playing the Gibson Firebird, the one that was upside down with one pick-up, and it was one of our greatest gigs ever. I was flying, no confusion, no indecision about when to stop, start, come in, go out, I wasn't tired, I seemed to get more elevated through the evening, one of my greatest gigs ever.
(Source : interview with Phil Sutcliffe, Mojo, Nov 2005)

Jack Bruce : The Spectrum is one of the very best gigs in America, if not the best. Philadelphia is a great rock music town. I've played that a few times, and it's always been great. A rocking gig; great audience.
(Source : interview with Tony Bacon)