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Fact #111696


Short story:

The Zombies play the first of ten nights at Araneta Coliseum, Quezon City, Manila, Philippines, Asia.

Full article:

Paul Atkinson (guitarist, The Zombies) : The show is produced and directed by Mr Leroy Prinz, a Hollywood director who has made many films including The Ten Commandments. There's a full orchestra, many Filipino singers, all of them very good, especially Diomedes Maturan, the Perry Como of the Philippines, and 24 dancers who are really beautiful.
(Source : letter quoted at http://aln3.albumlinernotes.com/Zombies_Chronology_66-68.html)

Chris White (bassist, songwriter, The Zombies) : Leroy Prinz was there from California because he had a tax problem and his accountant told him to get out. The girls used to write the weirdest letters, and there were two kinds of girls there - the ones who knew nothing about sex, and girls who knew everything about sex. Absolutely fascinating country.
(Source : http://aln3.albumlinernotes.com/Zombies_Chronology_66-68.html)

Paul Atkinson : They do a big production number before we come on; the whole stage is set as a giant cave, with bats flying on overhead wires, smoke rising from cauldrons, witches flying on brooms and the orchestra playing weird ghostly music. Then the dancers come on and do their bit. Finally amidst clouds of smoke, flashing lights and wailing sirens, we appear and play for about 40 minutes to end the show.
(Source : letter quoted at http://aln3.albumlinernotes.com/Zombies_Chronology_66-68.html)