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Fact #110193


Short story:

Michael Peter Hayes is born in Aldershot, UK. With a name change to Mickie Most, he will produce hit singles for The Animals, Donovan, Jeff Beck, Lulu, Hot Chocolate and many more.

Full article:

By Johnny Black

Who was the greatest British record producer of the 60s? The names that spring to the lips of the cognoscenti down the pub are usually George Martin and Joe Meek.

There is, however, another contender.

The one Brit who consistently found new acts and helped them knock out hit after hit was Mickie Most. His philosophy was simple. "I always think the song is the most important ingredient," he said. "You could do a Cecil B. DeMille production on a bad song, but you won't sell it. The art is to find the right song and then put your thing on it."

He was born Michael Peter Hayes in Aldershot, on 20 June 1938, but it was as Mickie Most