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Fact #107819


Short story:

Following a party at a local night club, Don Powell, drummer of Slade, is seriously injured in a car crash in Compton Road, Wolverhampton, UK, which kills his 20-year-old girlfriend Angela Morris.

Full article:

Dick Brownson (night club owner) : I had never seen Don and Angela so happy. We were celebrating the first anniversary of the club. They were talking about getting married later this year and we were even joking about the best man and the invitations.
(Source : contemporary newspaper report)

John Morris (father of Angela Morris) : We all thought they were made for each other. They were so very close. We expected them to say they were getting married at any time. No matter where Don was abroad he would always phone her.
(Source : contemporary newspaper report)

Dave Hill (guitarist, Slade) : This has come as a terrible shock to us all. We all liked Angela. She was a great girl.
(Source : contemporary newspaper report)