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Fact #107448


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John Steel (drummer, The Animals] : That's when The Nashville Teens wrecked our finale. The last night of a tour was always party time, so Barry Jenkins and Arthur and Ray, the two singers got up to hi jinks. I suppose we started it. They had a guy who played keyboards, the Hawk, and he had a grand piano, and Eric and me crept out on hands and knees from the wings and each grabbed a leg of his stool and began to pull it slowly away from the piano, so he was having to lean forward to be able to reach the keys, which were gradually getting further and further away from.

So they got their revenge when we were playing. A guitar amp cover suddenly started to move across the stage, apparently of its own accord, but of course Barry Jenkins was creeping along under it. Then Barry came on again with a white coat and an ice cream tray and a Hitler moustache, and was marching around. Finally they came on with a pair of stepladders, which prompted Eric to run off and get a fire extinguisher which he let fly at them with the foam. We were all falling about, covered in foam, but we got to the end of the set like real troupers.
(Source : not known)