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Fact #105875


Short story:

The Beatles begin recording Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds in EMI Studio 2, Abbey Road, London, UK.

Full article:

George Martin (producer) : Drugs certainly affected the music but it didn't affect the record production because I was producing. It just sometimes made things a little bit difficult.

There were moments when the boys tried to keep things from me, in that respect. I think they were protecting me as much as themselves. And I would put my blind eye to the telescope anyway. I didn't let it get in the way too much.

I saw the music growing, but I rather saw it like Salvador Dali's paintings. I didn't think the reason for it was drugs. I thought it was because they wanted to go into an impressionistic way. I wasn't looking for any sinister reason for it.

I hotly denied it when people put two and two together and made five, like Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds meaning LSD. Obviously, drugs were an influence, but not that much.
(Source : not known)