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Fact #104255


Short story:

The Kinks begin a tour of Belgium, Europe, but leader Ray Davies has been tempoirarily repleced by a stand-in. The media is told he is suffering from flu and stress.

Full article:

Pete Quaife (bassist, The Kinks] : He wasn't ill. He was faking it or at least exaggerating it. This was the time when he was really pulling the Noel Coward routine. He was walking around in a dressing gown with a glass of brandy in one hand and a cigar in the other. He also went through a Jack Benny period. But his illnesses were always a bit of a mystery. I really don't think he cared about whether the band survived or not at that point. In fact, we were all just wishing it would fold and we could get away from the responsibilities.
(Source : not known)