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Fact #103512


Short story:

Paul Rodgers releases a new album, The Royal Sessions (recorded at Royal Studios, Memphis, Tennessee, USA) on 429 Records in the UK.

Full article:

A potential marriage made in heaven has ended up as an unsatisfactory fling. Paul Rodgers, frontman of Free and Bad Company, is blessed with a great voice and a lifelong love of Memphis soul. Recording ten genre classics in Royal Studios - home of the legendary Hi Records - should have been a breeze but Rodgers has forgotten that the joy of the originals was often their concise simplicity. There are several competent tracks, but too often he stretches three-minute originals up to six minutes and over-emotes disastrously. The worst? In Walk On By, re-imagined as a 1970s Philly-soul epic, he ad libs "You put the hurt on me, you socked it to me Mama". Nursed.
(Review by Johnny Black, first appeared in Hi Fi News, 2014)