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Fact #102754


Short story:

After being met at Copenhagen airport by 6,000 fans, The Beatles' first world tour starts at KB Hallen, Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe.

Full article:

Jimmy Nicol (stand-in drummer with The Beatles] : Paul was not the clean chap he wanted the world to see. His love of blonde women and his general dislike of the crowds are not told. John, on the other hand, enjoyed the people, but used his sense of humour to ward off any he didn't care for. He also drank in excess. In Denmark, for example, his head was a balloon. He had drunk so much the night before, he was on stage sweating like a pig.

George was not shy at all, as the press had tried to paint him. He was into sex as well as partying all night with the rest of us. I was not even close to them when it came to mischief and carrying on. I thought I could drink and lay women with the best of them until I caught up with these guys.
(Source : not known)