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Fact #101892


Short story:

Steve Marriott's Moments play at The Star, Croydon, UK. Marriott will go on to find fame with The Small Faces and Humble Pie.

Full article:

Neil Warnock (booking agent) : I was a printer between the ages of fifteen and twenty-one, but I also I ran a little part-time business, a booking agency called South Bank Artists, based in a youth club in South London.

I was booking Steve Marriott's Moments - before The Small Faces - when I was sixteen. I remember being on the train into town with him one morning and he'd been the 100 Club the night before to John Lee Hooker, and he showed me a lick he'd picked up at that show. Steve was really all about the blues, so that's what Humble Pie was. I still look after Peter Frampton, so I've got a long history there.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, 2013)