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Fact #101683


Short story:

Jimi Hendrix and Band Of Gypsies record Ezy Ryder at The Record Plant, New York City, USA.

Full article:

Buddy Miles (drummer) : Ezy Ryder and Dolly Dagger were the most challenging songs we did, because there were so many intricate parts we put on them. I remember when we were recording them I'd look up and there was no one in the studio but Jimi, myself, Mitch, Eddie and maybe our old ladies.

Kim King (assistant engineer) : Eddie (Kramer) and Jimi were doing a four-handed mix on the console while I was doing the flanging - actually holding my thumb on the tape machine's pitch, and by varying that by microcycles, the notes were beating against each other. The sound was fantastic.

(Source : unknown)