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Fact #101344


Short story:

Bread's eponymous debut album soars to No127 on the Billboard albums chart in the USA, then stalls.

Full article:

David Gates (leader, Bread) : I had produced a small group called The Pleasure Faire. One of the guys in the group was Robb Royer, who was writing with James Griffin as a team. Rob suggested one day that I come over and meet James. And I did. They played me two or three of their songs, and I played them two or three of my songs. Then we decided to form a group and look for a deal collectively because we'd do better as a group than independently. That's how Bread started in late '67.

A Bread truck came along right at the time we were trying to think of a name. We had been saying, "How about bush, telephone pole? Ah, Bread truck, Bread." It began with a B, like The Beatles and The Bee Gees. Bread also had a kind of universal appeal. It could be taken a number of ways. Of course, for the entire first year people called us The Breads.

(Source : not known)