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Fact #100997


Short story:

As Safe As Yesterday Is, the debut album by Humble Pie, enters the UK album charts at No32, but it will rise no further.

Full article:

Peter Frampton (guitar/vocals Humble Pie) : What an exciting record to make. That was our first creative period as a band together. I mean, we started in Jerry Shirley's parents' living room. Then went down to Steve's little town in Essex, at Magdalen Laver Village Hall, and we got it together in the country as Traffic had just done before us. That was our first time in the studio, with Andy Johns, you know, as the engineer. It doesn't get much better. I just remember having so much fun. We did it so quickly. It was, like, bing, bam, boom, it was done. We made two records in six months. Town And Country came really quickly after that. Then, after that, we switched brothers and went to Glyn Johns, as the engineer and producer.

(Source : interview by Steven Rosen, Modern Guitars, November 1, 2008)