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Fact #100822


Short story:

Jimi Hendrix authorises $660 of payments for staff in an eight-bedroomed house he has rented at Traver Hollow Road, Shokan, New York State, USA, at $3,000 per month.

Full article:

Jerry Morrison (associate of Hendrix manager Mike Jeffery) : The house was rented in my name. I'd known the owner and I told him I wanted the house for some clients. When he came up there and saw all those black musicians, he got uptight. But he was a nice man and backed off.

Claire Moreice (cook) : I was living in the house for about three days before Jimi came in. My instant impression was what a sweet, humble, funny guy. I don't think that image of him has ever been projected. He felt like he was really lucky and he just expressed gratitude. I baked blackberry pies and I made lots of different soups. Jimi loved soup and chocolate-chip cookies and corn cakes.

John Martyn (singer-songwriter/neighbour) : He was quiet as a mouse, nothing wild about him at all