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Fact #100751


Short story:

In The Year 2525 (Exordium And Terminus), by Zager And Evans enters the Billboard Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA, where it will peak at No1.

Full article:

In 1968, Denny Zager and Rick Evans were a folk-rock duo scratching a living in Lincoln, Nebraska's finest motel lounges. "We were looking for uptempo material," recalled Zager some years later," because most of the stuff we did was ballads."

Serendipitously, Evans had spent an entire thirty minutes knocking up the apocalyptic sci-fi epic In The Year 2525 four years earlier, but his previous band, The Eccentrics, wouldn't record it. Released on local label Truth Records in 1968, it attracted the attention of RCA who sold a million copies within two months and four million overall. "We tried everything to come up with that second hit," remembers Zager, "but it never happened." So maybe there is a God.

Johnny Black