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Fact #100744


Short story:

Taj Mahal records Fishin' Blues and Country Blues No1 in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA, for Columbia Records.

Full article:

Taj Mahal : Fishin' Blues is by Henry Thomas. That's the third song in a set of tunes that became very popular. Bob Dylan had a song called Honey, Won't You Allow Me One More Chance?, and he said that he got the inspiration from some blues-man named Henry from down in Texas.

I never knew who he was talking about, then I got hold of an album, and then realized, 'Oh, yeah, here it is! Here's the melody and here's the words.

The other one that he did, Canned Heat had a song called Goin' Up The Country, and that's another of Henry Thomas'. And Fishin' Blues. He's got a whole bunch of other stuff that never got done, but I always liked that song. It was just a great song.

Country Blues No1 comes from a combination of gospel and blues and slide on a twelve-string. It just is a certain sound that I always absolutely loved that people would sing. I'd hear women singing it when they would do the dishes and stuff like that. Music came at me from so many different levels, both on and off the records and live.

(Source : not known)