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Fact #100603


Short story:

Robert Smith, later to lead The Cure, is given an acoustic guitar for his tenth birthday.

Full article:

Robert Smith (The Cure) : I got my first acoustic guitar on my tenth birthday in 1969.
I'd gone to piano lessons with my little sister when I was seven and within the year she'd become a bit of a child prodigy and I was struggling on grade two, but I found myself picking up my brother's guitar and learning from Bert Weedon's Play In A Day book, which is why we recorded a track around the time of the first album called The Weedy Burton, a sort of tongue in cheek tribute to Bert. It was a good way to learn, because you don't learn any particular style. You just learn the chord shapes.

Then, when I got the nylon strung guitar, I went for classical lessons for two years, and I learned the intricacies of right hand picking which I've never used. I wanted to play guitar but I was desperate to have an electric.