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Fact #100464


Short story:

The Beatles make their final public appearance in the form of a live concert on the rooftop at the Savile Row HQ of Apple Records in London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

In the face of a bitter wind, on 30 January 1969, The Beatles made their final public appearance - an unnanounced 42 minute long free lunchtime concert on the roof of Apple Records HQ at 3 Saville Row in London, documented on film as a logical conclusion to director Michael Lindsay-Hogg's movie of the band recording their swan-song album, Let It Be.

As Paul McCartney has recalled, the rooftop concert idea had come up during a meeting just four days earlier, "That was looking for an end to the film, really. It was one of those, 'Well, how are we going to finish this?'