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Fact #100272


Short story:

The Mike Cotton Sound play at the 100 Club, Oxford Street, London, UK, supported by The Who and The Embers.

Full article:

Bill Carey (manager, The Band And General Agency) : Any club presenting r'n'b that doesn't pull in 500 people can consider it is doing poor business. At 100 Oxford Street, R'n'B is pulling in between double and treble the number of customers who come for Trad.

John Gee (manager, Marquee Club] : Jazz is holding its own at The Marquee. Saturday, admittedly a good night for anything, we have modern jazz and attendance compares favourably with R'n'B nights. The same goes for Sundays when Stan Getz has pulled in fantastic crowds over the past month.

(Source : Melody Maker feature, 1964)