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Jazz piano virtuoso Joe Sullivan records Summertime [by George Gershwin] and Forevermore for Commodore Records in New York City, USA.
Suffering from depression and believing herself to be going insane, modernist novelist Virginia Woolf puts on her overcoat, fills its pockets with stones, walks into the River Ouse near her home in Rodmell, Sussex, England, UK, Europe, and drowns herself. The 2011 hit single What The Water Gave Me by Florence And The Machine is inspired by Woolf's suicide.
Jazz piano virtuoso Joe Sullivan records Summertime [by George Gershwin] and Forevermore for Commodore Records in New York City, USA.
Guitarist and singer Robert Petway records Let Me Be Your Boss, Rockin' Chair Blues, Sleepy Woman Blues, Don't Go Down Baby, Left My Baby Crying, My Little Girl, Catfish Blues and Ride 'Em On Down, for Bluebird Records in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Charlie McCoy is born in Oak Hill, West Virginia. He will become a revered country music harmonica virtuoso, and will contribute his talents on several instruments to Bob Dylan albums including Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde On Blonde.