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Jazz violinist, bandleader and recording artist Stuff Smith dies in Munich, Germany.
Bill Haley And His Comets play the first of three nights at the New Jersey State Fair, Trenton, New Jersey, USA.
Colin 'Biggles' Gavigan, sax player in UK 80s hitmakers H2O, is born in Scotland.
Dinah Washington plays the fifth night of a week at The Flame Show Bar, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Chuck Berry, Shirley And Lee, The G-Clefs and Buddy And Ella Johnson, play the fifth night of a week at the Howard Theater, Washington DC, USA.
Popular American pianist Liberace arrives in the UK for the first time, transported into London by a special train of Pullman cars dubbed The Liberace Special.
Guitar Slim plays the second night of a week at The Palms Club, Hallendale, Florida, USA.
Elvis Presley plays a benefit concert in Tupelo, Mississippi, USA.
Billy Ward And His Dominoes play the second night of a week at Zardi's Jazzland, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Fats Domino plays the second night of a week at Casino Royal, Washington DC, USA.