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I Cry When I Laugh, the debut LP by Jess Glynne, is released by Atlantic Records in the UK.
Previews of the multi award-winning musical, Kinky Boots, with music and lyrics by pop icon Cyndi Lauper, begin in the West End of London, UK, at The Adelphi Theatre.
Nervosa play at The Anvil, Bournemouth, England, UK.
Reuben James Richards releases a new LP, About Time, on Jigsaw Records in the UK.
Micky Ashman, former bassist with Chris Barber's Band and Lonnie Donegan, dies in England, UK, Europe. Ashman also led his own group, Micky Ashman And His Ragtime Jazz Band.
On her 1989 World Tour, Taylor Swift plays the first of five nights at The Staples Centre, Los Angeles, California, USA, supported by Vance Joy and HAIM.
Ringworm play at The Voltage Lounge, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, supported by Culture Killer and White Widows Pact.
Jess Glynne appears on the BBC tv show Breakfast in Salford Quays, Manchester, England, UK, to promote the release of her debut LP, I Cry When I Laugh.
Rivers Of Nihil release a new album, Monarchy, on Metal Blade Records in the UK.