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Perhaps Contraption are recording tracks for their album Mud Belief at Premises Studio, London, England, UK
Simple Minds play at Werfthalle, Goppingen, Germany, Europe.
Kraftwerk play at Disney Hall, Los Angeles, California, USA.
27-year-old Sarah Jones is hit and killed by a train on the first day of filming of the movie Midnight Rider beside the Altamaha River in southeast Georgia, USA. The film is a re-telling of the life of guitarist Gregg Allman of The Allman Brothers Band.
Kodaline play at Emo's East, Austin, Texas, USA.
Eminem plays at Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane, Australia, Oceania.
On her Mrs. Carter Show World Tour 2014, Beyonce plays the first of two nights at The SSE Hydro Arena, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Gary Numan plays at The Palladium, Warsaw, Poland, Europe.
On his 20/20 Experience World Tour, Justin Timberlake plays the first of two nights at Madison Square Garen, New York City, USA.
On the day following The BRIT Awards in London, UK, it is reported that album sales for Arctic Monkeys, Bastille, Disclosure and Rudimental have doubled overnight.
HAIM play at Astra, Berlin, Germany, Europe.
Rapper 50 Cent announces that he is to leave Universal Music Group's Interscope Records and Eminem's imprint Shady/Aftermath, and will move to Caroline Records, the independent service division of Capitol Records which is also part of Universal.
YG featuring Drake releases a new single, Who Do You Love? on Pushaz Ink records in the USA.
19 Recording, founded by tv pop mogul Simon Fuller, files a lawsuit against Sony Music seeking royalties said to be due to former American Idol contestants including Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson. The lawsuit asserts that Sony has deprived the singers of royalties relating to lucrative streaming deals with Google, Apple and Spotify.
Pharrell Williams announces via Twitter that he is putting his infamous Grammy hat on sale by auction to the highest bidder, with proceeds donated to charity.