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Uriah Heep are working on their sixteenth LP, Equator, at Genetic Studios, Reading, Berkshire, England, UK, Europe.
Simone Johanna Maria Simons is born in Hoensbroek, Heerlen, Limburg, The Netherlands, Europe. She will find fame as Simone Simons, singer of Epica.
Riyu Kosaka, vocalist of BeForU, is born in Yokohama, Japan, Asia.
When The Del Fuegos play at the Rhinoceros Club, Greensborough, North Carolina, USA, they are joined by Bruce Springsteen for a guest appearance.
Punk poet John Cooper Clark and ex-Velvet Underground vocalist Nico play at Dingwalls, Camden, London, England, UK, Europe.
Johnny Cash plays at the Veteran's Memorial Coliseum, San Rafael, California, USA.