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Paul Whiteman And His Orchestra record their version of the song Gloomy Sunday, for Victor Records in the USA.
Roy Fox And His Orchestra, with Denny Dennis on vocal, record Please Believe Me and I Feel Like A Feather In The Breeze, for HMV Records in London, UK.
Paul Whiteman And His Orchestra record their version of the song Gloomy Sunday, for Victor Records in the USA. Written in 1933, Gloomy Sunday would quickly acquire a reputation as The Suicide Song because many of those who sang it came to premature ends, and also because many people were said to have committed suicide while listening to it.
Maurice Winnick And His Orchestra record Indian Love Call in London, UK.
Musical revue The Show Is On, starring Beatrice Lillie and Bert Lahr, plays at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, where it will run for 236 performances.