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Tracy Chapman plays at The Entertainment Centre, Perth, Australia, Oceania.
Esther Taem, main rapper in the K-Pop all-girl band 4TEN, is born in California, USA.
Motley Crue play the second of two consecutive nights at Inglewood Forum, Inglewood, California, USA.
The Residents play at The Royal George Theater, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
In Step by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble is certified as a gold album by the R.I.A.A. in the USA.
Billy Joel plays at Rosemont Horizon, Rosemont, Illinois, USA.
Debbie Harry (aka Blondie) and Tears For Fears play at The A.J.Paulbo Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Nine Inch Nails play at Tipitina's, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.