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Tom Tom Club play at Irving Plaza, New York City, USA.
On their Hurricane tour, 30 Seconds To Mars play the second of two nights at The House Of Blues, San Diego, California, USA.
Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol launches a blog to keep fans informed about the progress of their next album, due for release later in the year..
Cake make a live appearance on NBC-tv chat show Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, in New York City, USA.
Bruno Mars releases his debut album, Doo-Wops And Hooligans in Japan as a CD.
Anna Nalick plays at The Hotel Cafe, Los Angeles, California, USA.
of Montreal play at The Moon, Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
Gregg Allman plays at The Bergen Performing Arts Theatre, Engelwood, New Jersey, USA.
Leif Skov, one of the founders of Denmark's Roskilde Festival, is honored with the 'Yourope Lifetime Achievement Award' at the Festival Awards Europe ceremony, for his work at Roskilde and across the European festival industry.
Forty minutes after he is due to appear onstage at The O2 World, Berlin, Germany, Europe, Usher cancels the gig claiming to be unwell but is later seen out at a nightclub. The show, set to be the opening night of the European leg of his OMG Tour, is re-scheduled for the following night.
Helloween play at Transbordeur, Villeurbanne, France, Europe.
Ozzy Osbourne plays at The Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Social Distortion play at The House of Blues, Anaheim, California, USA.
Deafheaven play at Yayo Taco, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.